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Main Interface on LifeFlix v4.2.5
LifeFlix v4.2.5 Toolbar and Functions: Import, Scene Actions, Sharing, Sorting, Search, and Playback Features Explained
- Import: Click to launch the Import interface. Please read our article [Import Interface](#) to read more about this workspace.
- Yellow Dot: Indicates no device is connected.
- Green Dot: Indicates a device is connected and can be imported from.
- Show Info: Click while an album or scene is selected to get a small blurb of its metadata. Interact with any of the text boxes to edit the data.
- Scene Actions
- Trim: Click while a scene is selected to trim down to a new length.
- Split: Click while a scene is selected to create a new scene from any moment in the footage.
- Combine: Click while more than one scene is selected. Scenes will be combined and create a new scene.
- Export: Click while an album or scene is selected. It will then launch the export window for that album or scene. Exporting an album will function as a bulk export for all the scenes in that album.
- Video Adjustments: Click while a scene is selected to make quick video adjustments such as contrast, hue, sharpness, etc.
- Share Scene: Click while a scene is selected to share the footage via Apple Messenger, Email, Photos, Notes, AirDrop, or Freeform.
- Sort Scenes: Click while an album is selected to sort your scenes by Name, Date, or Author in either ascending or descending order.
- Search: Search your albums and scenes by name. Matching results will be filtered onto the “Albums” and “Scenes” areas.
- All imports are stored in an album which contains scenes that are your captured footage.
- Scenes are segments of footage that were captured from your import.
- If you wish to create a new album, you’ll need to begin a new import.
- An album may contain one or more scenes.
- Scenes can be reorganized by clicking and dragging them.
- The monitor in this area can be used to preview and edit your footage.
- Use the play button to play your footage.
- Once the footage begins to play, the play button will become a pause button and can be used to pause the footage.
- The buttons next to the play button will adjust the playback speed.
- You may drag the playhead marker to change the current timestamp of your footage.
- Use the volume slider to control the master volume of your playback.
- You may also fullscreen your playback.
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